I loved the Family Circus when i was very young because, I think, I had a child's poor taste, and enjoyed anything i could actually read. One panel? I could handle that, no sweat. I might even cut it out if it tickled me enough. I can't pinpoint the exact moment i began to regard the comic with contempt ( i do remember unironically selecting "A Special Valentine with the Family Circus" to watch at my annual V-Day sleepover when i was 9, so it must have been after that) Once that contempt appeared, though, my hate for Bil Keanes perfect family and their adorable interactions-- which weren't even jokes most of the time-- was matched by very little.
I guess its true what they say, hate is the closest thing to love, because all of a sudden, about 7 years ago, i started to secretly love the Family Circus. Mostly it was just that i loved to hate those lil' dopes, but sometimes i found myself LOVE loving them, and even becoming -- this is embarrassing -- a little jealous of their perfect lives.
So, what's this blog about, anyway? I love talking about the Family Circus (i been know to use TFC antidotes to "break the ice" with friends of friends, new co-workers, etc), but most other people don't care, so i'm hoping to get all my comix talk out here.
I'm not sure I've seen any serious explorations of TFC's divisiveness, though it seems most people feel either a strong warmth or disgust for the series. With the exception of Nietzsche Family Circus, internet parodies are usually about as clever as a picture of a frazzled looking Mommy, surrounded by children, asking Daddy, "Is it too late to have an abortion?" Actually, that one isn't too bad. Usually they're worse. But i digress. The point is, this is a place to discuss Mommy, Daddy, Billy, Jeffy, Dolly, P.J.-- and yes, even Barfy -- in all their terror and glory.
the people demand an update, marge.